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Recommendations for beginners from professional photographers
This article will be useful for both amateur and professional photographers.
When you are just starting your career as a photographer, it is necessary to do a lot of
research, listen to the advice of the best photographers, and look at examples. Each of these
contributes to the formation of certain ideas. Photography is a fairly broad field, and
specialisation in various branches of this sector has already increased. Photographers who used
to take wedding, food and nature photos at the same time are now being replaced by
photographers who specialize in one or more areas. Emerging new trends, important issues in the
development and study of technology also require specialization. Now the whole task is to do the
job in a quality and correct way.
You want to be a photographer, but you don't know where to start, or you have certain
issues that remain obscure. In that case, the best course of action would be to seek professional
So what do photographers specializing in different fields recommend?
"Determine what you care about, find your visual voice, and be confident in creating a
great business."
Ed Kashi, who visited Azerbaijan in 2013, showed documentaries about the daily lives of
people who were forced to flee their homes as a result of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and
have been living as IDPs for 20 years as part of the Unfulfilled Dreams project. Here you can see
photos from the exhibition "Unfulfilled Dreams: Azerbaijani Refugees".
Ed Kashi
"Success starts with a simple principle, experience the creative process with more than
99% of all other photographers on the planet."
Joel Grims
Commercial photographer
"Creating and telling an original story can be the biggest goal in life and can have a
positive impact on the lives of others - it's the greatest advantage of being a photographer."
Joel Santos
Travel photographer
"My advice to anyone who is new to photography is not to try to have the latest and best
equipment. Yes, having the right tools for the job can help you in your work or projects, but it is
more important to have a creative vision. Using online platforms like YouTube to watch behind-
the-scenes scenes or live broadcasts can help you a lot. Don't get tired of working for your goal
and desire. ”
Matt Thomas
Fitness photographer
“I am often asked how I am a wildlife photographer. I think wildlife photography is
incredibly different from other genres. Everything happens unexpectedly here, you can get lucky
and get the shot you want, but you have to spend a lot of time planning, studying the subject and
reading about animal behavior. Sometimes before I take a photo, I spend hours watching and
researching animals to find out what they like to eat, when they are most active, and what
habitats they prefer. You also need to be very good at using the tools you will use during the
shooting. It can be a useful experience for you to take pictures of seagulls and ducks that people
are used to before taking wildlife photos. ”
Luke Massey
Wildlife photographer
"Find out what interests you the most, what images catch your attention, and what your
natural inclinations are. This is the first step to defining your natural style. Whatever you want,
start applying! The more you train, the better you will be. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, we
learn from our mistakes. Sometimes an unplanned pleasant coincidence can end in a surprising
Another tip is to learn how to build a business in parallel with your creative efforts. If you
want to start a business, you have to know how to do it. ”
Fiona Kelly
Wedding photographer